On Wednesday 13th November 2024, a ceremonial session of the Senate of the Lodz University of Technology took place during which distinctions and medals were awarded to TUL employees, as well as prizes for the best TUL students and graduates. ICRI-BioM was there as well!
A yearly competition for the best MSc thesis defended at Lodz University of Technology organized by the Lodz Council of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations “NOT”, awarded one of the four distinctions for all 2023/2024 graduates to Mr. Adam Pawłowski from the Nanostructures and Interfaces Group, for his Master thesis entitled:
“Preparation and characterization of new bio-inspired organic luminophores with potential chiroptical properties"
Congratulations Adam!
(fot. Marcin Szmidt, source: https://p.lodz.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/odznaczenia-medale-i-nagrody-na-…)