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Visit of Prof. Róża Szweda, ERC grantee (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań).

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On Tuesday last week (29th of October), we were privileged to host in ICRI-BioM Prof. Róża Szweda, Head of the Programmable Polymers Laboratory (Center for Advanced Materials, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, PL).


During her visit, Prof. Szweda delivered a very inspiring lecture, related to her past and present work in macromolecular chemistry, entitled “Programmable polymer materials”. After visiting ICRI-BioM premises, we had time to meet with our guest and discuss future collaboration areas, which include applications of the unique sequence-controlled polymers created in her lab as well as other peptide-inspired materials. That was an extraordinary day in terms of enhancing ICRI-BioM networking. We are thrilled about the opportunity to develop the collaboration between ICRI-BioM and Programmable Polymers Laboratory (AMU)!