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ICRI-BioM board member Bernd Nidetzky, Professor at the Institute for Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering at Technische Univesität Graz and CSO of acib GmbH was honored with the Elmer L. Garden Award – assigned by renowned trade journal “Biotechnology and Bioengineering.” The award was named after Elmer L Garden Jr., the “father of biochemical engineering”. Bernd Nidetzky is the only one of four Europeans who received this award since its foundation more than 20 years ago.
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It is with great sadness that we said goodbye yesterday to Mrs. Kazimiera Zacharska, who lost the fight against cancer. Kazia was associated with the project of the International Research Agenda from the very beginning and was the administrative driving force behind the prepared proposals. We will thankfully keep her in our memories.